Rajkot Update News : Link Aadhaar With Voter List 2024

Hey there! Have you heard the news from Rajkot? There’s a big update about linking your Aadhaar card with your voter ID. This is pretty important stuff, so let’s chat about it.

The government wants to make sure our voting system is fair and easy to use. They think linking Aadhaar with voter IDs can help. It’s a way to stop fake voting and make sure everyone gets their say.

Rajkot Update News : Link Aadhaar With Voter List 2024

Rajkot Update News : Link Aadhaar With Voter List

We’ll keep things simple and clear. So, even if you’re not tech-savvy, don’t worry! You’ll understand it all by the end.

What is Aadhaar?

Let’s start with the basics. What exactly is this Aadhaar thing?

Aadhaar is a special 12-digit number given to people in India. The government started giving out these numbers on June 29, 2009. It’s like a special code just for you.

Here’s why Aadhaar is important:

  • It’s a way to prove who you are
  • It shows where you live
  • The government uses it to check if you’re you

Think of Aadhaar as your ID card but in number form. It’s used for all sorts of things, from opening bank accounts to getting a phone SIM card.

Rajkot Update News: Link Aadhaar With Voter List

Now, let’s talk about the big news from Rajkot. They want people to link their Aadhaar numbers with their voter IDs. Here’s a quick look at what this means:

What Details
Type News
Purpose Link Aadhaar Card with Voter ID Card
Benefit Stop fake voter cards and fake voting
Year 2024
Website https://voterportal.eci.gov.in/

This is a big deal because it can help make voting fairer. When Aadhaar is linked to voter IDs, it’s harder for people to cheat the system.

Rajkot Update News: Link Aadhaar to Voter ID Card

You might be wondering, “Why do we need to do this?” Well, here’s the thing. Many people move around for work. They might live in a village, then move to a city, or the other way around.

This move can cause problems with voting. Some people end up with two voter IDs, which isn’t right. By linking Aadhaar to voter IDs, the government can keep track of where people live and vote.

Here’s why this matters:

  • It stops people from voting twice
  • It makes sure your vote counts where you live
  • It helps keep the voting list up to date

The Election Commission of India (that’s the group in charge of voting) has a website where you can download your voter ID. You can also link your Aadhaar there. It’s pretty easy to do from home.

How to Link Aadhaar with Voter List: Step-by-Step Guide

Okay, now let’s get into the nitty-gritty. How do you link your Aadhaar with your voter ID? Don’t worry, it’s not as hard as it sounds. We’ll break it down into easy steps.

There are three main ways to do this:

  1. Online through the Election Commission website
  2. By sending an SMS
  3. At a Common Service Center

Let’s look at each way:

1. Online Method

This is probably the easiest way if you’re comfortable using the internet. Here’s what you do:

  1. Go to the website: voterportal.eci.gov.in
  2. Click on “Create an Account”
  3. Type in your email and phone number
  4. Click “Send OTP” (they’ll send you a code)
  5. Make a password
  6. Log in with your new account
  7. Click on “Link Aadhaar”
  8. Fill in the info they ask for
  9. Click submit

And that’s it! Pretty simple, right?

2. SMS Method

If you prefer using your phone, you can link Aadhaar by sending a text message. Here’s how:

  1. Open your phone’s messaging app
  2. Start a new message
  3. Type your Voter ID number, then a space, then your Aadhaar number
  4. Send this message to 166 or 51959
  5. Wait for a reply saying it worked

This way is super quick and easy.

3. Common Service Center Method

If you’d rather do this in person, you can go to a Common Service Center. These are places set up to help with government services. Here’s what to do:

  1. Find a Common Service Center near you
  2. Take your Aadhaar card and Voter ID card with you
  3. Tell them you want to link Aadhaar with your voter ID
  4. They’ll help you fill out the forms and do the linking

This is a good option if you’re not comfortable with technology or want some help.

Documents Needed to Link Aadhaar Card with Voter List

Before you start the linking process, make sure you have these things:

  • Your Aadhaar card
  • Your Voter ID card
  • Your email address (if you have one)
  • Your phone number

That’s all you need! Pretty simple, right?

How to Link an Aadhaar Card with a Voter ID Card: Detailed Steps

Let’s go through the online method in more detail. This is helpful if you’re doing it yourself at home.

  1. Open your web browser: Use Chrome, Firefox, or whatever you like.
  2. Go to the website: Type in voterportal.eci.gov.in and press Enter.
  3. Create an account: Look for a button that says “Create an Account” and click it.
  4. Enter your info: Type in your email address and phone number.
  5. Get your code: Click “Send OTP”. They’ll send a code to your phone.
  6. Make a password: Choose a password you’ll remember.
  7. Log in: Use your new account to log in.
  8. Find the link option: Look for a button that says “Link Aadhaar” and click it.
  9. Fill in your details: They’ll ask for some information. Fill it in carefully.
  10. Submit: Once you’ve checked everything, click submit.
  11. Wait for confirmation: You should get a message saying it worked.

Remember, take your time and double-check everything before you submit.

How to Link Aadhaar with Voter List by SMS?

If you prefer using your phone, here’s a detailed guide on how to link by SMS:

  1. Open your SMS app: This is usually called “Messages” on most phones.
  2. Start a new message: Look for a button to write a new text.
  3. Type the message: Write your Voter ID number, then a space, then your Aadhaar number.
  4. Choose the number: Send this message to 166 or 51959.
  5. Send the message: Hit the send button.
  6. Wait for a reply: You should get a message back saying it worked.

This method is quick and doesn’t use the internet. It’s great if you’re not near a computer.

Rajkot Update News: Link Aadhaar with Voter List Online

If you’re in Rajkot and want to link online, here are some helpful links:

Remember these tips:

  • Have your Aadhaar number ready
  • Know your Voter ID number
  • Follow the steps on the Voter ID website
  • Double-check all info before submitting
  • Wait for a confirmation message

How to Update Your Information?

Sometimes, you might need to update your info. Maybe you moved, or something changed. Here’s how to do that:

Step 1: Collect the required documents

Before you start, make sure you have:

  • Your Voter ID card
  • Your Aadhaar card

Step 2: Go to the nearest Rajkot Election Commission office

Find out where the office is. You can look this up on the Election Commission website.

Step 3: Fill out the necessary forms

At the office, you’ll need to fill out some papers. They’ll ask for:

  • Your name
  • Your address
  • Your Voter ID number
  • Your Aadhaar number

Step 4: Submit the form and documents

Give the filled form and your documents to the person at the office. They’ll check everything.

Step 5: Check your application status

After you submit it, you can check if it worked. Go to the Election Commission website to see the status.


Here are some questions people often ask about linking Aadhaar with Voter ID:

  • 1. Is it mandatory to link an Aadhaar with a Voter ID?

No, it’s not mandatory right now. But it’s a good idea to do it.

  • 2. What if I don’t have an Aadhaar card?

You can still vote with just your Voter ID. But it’s good to get an Aadhaar card if you can.

  • 3. Can I link someone else’s Aadhaar to my Voter ID?

No, it would help if you only linked your Aadhaar to your Voter ID.

  • 4. What if I make a mistake while linking?

Don’t worry. You can try again. Just be careful to enter the right info.

  • 5. How long does it take to link Aadhaar with Voter ID?

If you do it online or by SMS, it’s pretty quick. If you go to an office, it might take a bit longer.

  • 6. Can I unlink my Aadhaar from my Voter ID later?

Yes, you can. But you’d need to go to the Election Commission office.

  • 7. Will linking Aadhaar with my Voter ID affect my other documents?

No, it won’t affect your other documents. It’s just for voting purposes.

  • 8. What if I’ve moved to a different city?

You should update your address on both your Aadhaar and Voter ID. Then link them.

  • 9. Is it safe to link Aadhaar with Voter ID?

Yes, it’s safe. The government has systems to protect your information.

  • 10. Can I check if my Aadhaar is already linked to my Voter ID?

Yes, you can check this on the Election Commission website.

Remember, linking your Aadhaar with your Voter ID is a simple way to help make elections fairer. It’s easy to do and helps protect your right to vote. So give it a try!

Also Check:


Linking your Aadhaar with your Voter ID is a big step towards fair elections. It helps stop fake voting and makes sure everyone gets their say.

Here’s why it’s good to do this:

  • It protects your right to vote
  • It makes elections more honest
  • It’s pretty easy to do

You can link your Aadhaar and Voter ID online, by SMS, or in person.

Choose the way that’s easiest for you. Remember, you’ll need your Aadhaar card and Voter ID card handy.

By taking a few minutes to do this, you’re helping make our democracy stronger.

So why wait? Link your Aadhaar and Voter ID today!