How to File A Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

How to File A Wrongful Death Lawsuit – When a precious one passes away, it is always an aching and difficult experience. When you believe that it was triggered by the actions or negligence of another party, it can be particularly challenging. In addition to mourning your loss, you will need to go through the procedure of filing a wrongful death claim. 

Here this blog post will outline the steps involved in this process so you understand what you will have to do in the coming days, weeks, or months. Of course, you won’t have to go over these steps alone.

How to File A Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

How to File A Wrongful Death Lawsuit

The advocates at Karlin & Karlin are here to help you every step of the way, so please don’t hesitate to contact us to schedule a free consultation. If you want to know more about filing A Wrongful Death Claim then read this article carefully.

How Can You Prepare for Litigation?

Now, preparing for a lawsuit is a step recognized as pre-litigation. This is where the personal representative of the deceased will need to complete a diversity of tasks in order to prepare for filing the suit. These tasks contain the following:

  • Setting Up the Estate – If it is the estate of the dead that will file the suit, it has to be set up in the courthouse of the county where the deceased lived.
  • Investigation – An investigation into the facts nearby what caused the death should be performed. This will naturally be done by an attorney, with the help of any experts that are needed.
  • Identifying & Notifying Responsible Parties – Your advocate will need to identify the parties believed to be responsible for the death, and inform them of the intent to file a lawsuit.

Negotiation & Settling

This step does not happen in every case, but in many of them, the party whom you plan to file a suit against will want to attempt to settle the matter out of court. This is frequently a decent option as it can eliminate the risk of losing the lawsuit, while still getting a fair settlement. If an agreement can’t be made in this phase, you will preserve the right to push forward with the unlawful death suit. The majority of the negotiation will be done by your attorney, who will refer you to significant decisions.

Filing the Suit

If negotiations aren’t positive, it is time to file a wrongful death lawsuit. This starts when you file a Complaint or Writ of Summons, which is done over the courthouse. All named offenders will be served with this information.


The litigation phase of the lawsuit will contain multiple different tasks, with a discovery phase, interrogations, requests for documentation, and more. This is also the stage where the pre-trial, trial, and/or arbitration are conducted. Through this phase, it is likely to continue negotiating to seek a settlement that both parties can accept. If no settlement can be made, litigation will last until the trial is finished. When done, the judge or jury will issue their verdict. Now, based on this verdict, an award will be allocated.

Here for You Every Step of the Way

Karlin & Karlin will be here for you during every step of the wrongful death lawsuit. We will not only negotiate and investigate on your behalf, but we will also be there to recommend the best path forward. Now, To discuss your specific case, simply give us a call at 213-423-5079 today.


  • Who can sue for wrongful death in Michigan?

Who Can Sue for Wrongful Death in Michigan? The Michigan unlawful death statute gives authority to family associates of the loved one to file a lawsuit for compensation for accidental deaths, fatal accidents, or intentional acts. Lawsuits can be transported by a spouse, parent, sibling, child, grandparent, or grandchild.

  • Who can file a wrongful death suit in Alabama?

Now, In Alabama, only the personal representative of the estate has the actual right to file a wrongful death claim. The only exception is if the victim is a minor under the age of 19, in which case the parents have six months to file an unlawful death lawsuit. After that time, the personal representative has to file the claim.

  • How long do you have to file a wrongful death in Michigan?

Because Michigan’s Wrongful Death Act does not contain a statute of limitations, the statute of limitations for the underlying cause of action (i.e., negligence) applies. Here in the case of wrongful death actions created on general negligence, the act of limitation is three years.

  • What is crucial when collecting evidence for wrongful death?

The medical records of the late serve as the most dangerous evidence to be collected in the case of a wrongful death suit. With a precise review of medical records, lawyers can find points to confirm that the deceased person’s injuries are straight linked to the negligent party’s actions.

  • Is there a cap on wrongful death in Michigan?

There’s no universal cap on damages in a Michigan wrongful death lawsuit, but the state’s limit on medical malpractice costs would apply to an unlawful death claim stemming from a healthcare provider’s error. Simply get more details on damages that might be available in a wrongful death case.

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A wrongful death claim is a claim in contradiction of a person who can be held accountable for a death. The claim is brought in a civil action, typically by close relatives, as counted by statute. In wrongful death cases, survivors are rewarded for the harm, losses, and suffering they’ve suffered after losing a precious one.

We have shared everything about How to File A Wrongful Death Lawsuit in this article for you if the info that we shared above helped you in any way then do share it with others.